"...IN THE SPRING A YOUNG MAN'S FANCY LIGHTLY TURNS TO THOUGHTS OF LOVE" Alfred, Lord Tennyson (1809-1892) With hindsight , I now appreciate that tenuous and tender connection between the youthful mind, hormonal influences, seasonal climate change and...romance. I remember in Biology 103-104, studying a paper out of Yale by, no surprise here, a French researcher from Paris, on the photo-sexual reflex in waterfowl! This explained the seasonal breeding habits of ducks and it resonated with me and made the connection with Lord Tennyson's words! After a long and arduous North Country winter, my thoughts turned to romance. Spring comes to the campus! On our college campus, as on many others of that day, there were dating rituals. Having been a college physician, I am aware today of people "hooking up"on campuses, as well as the dangers that come with it with nonconsensual relations, Title IX charges and the "Me, too" movement. ...