"A house divided against itself cannot stand..." Abraham Lincoln 1809-1865 Coming up to the second anniversary of my blog, I realize I have steered clear from what my parents always warned me never to discuss in polite company: Politics, Sex and Religion. Well guess what? After many years on this earth, I've decided I no longer have to be polite. After waking up each morning ( and sometimes in the middle of the night), I'm having my Howard Beale moment..."I'm mad as hell and I'm not gonna take this anymore!...". The divisiveness of our world is weighing heavy on my mind. I've avoided, thankfully, resorting to drugs and heavy drinking. I do have my vices, such as sitting here writing this listening to Dionne Warwick on my Bose, singing old Bert Bacharach songs, or tearing up when I watch sentimental movies. I still get the shivers when I listen to Elgar...